Treatment for Severe Coronavirus Disease 2019 With the Seraph-100 Microbind Affinity Blood Filter

Objectives: To determine whether Seraph-100 (Exthera Medical Corporation, Martinez, CA) treatment provides clinical benefit for severe coronavirus disease 2019 cases that require mechanical ventilation and vasopressor support.

Data Sources: The first two patients in the United States treated with the novel Seraph-100 device. These cases were reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration prior to granting an emergency use authorization for treatment of coronavirus disease 2019.

Study Selection: Case series.

Data Extraction: Vasopressor dose, mean arterial pressure, temperature, interleukin-6, C-reactive protein, and other biomarker levels were
documented both before and after Seraph-100 treatments. Data Synthesis: Vasopressor dose, temperature, interleukin-6, and C-reactive protein levels declined after Seraph-100 treatments. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 viremia was confirmed in the one patient tested and cleared by the completion of treatments.

Conclusions: Seraph-100 use may improve hemodynamic stability in coronavirus disease 2019 cases requiring mechanical ventilation and vasopressor support. These findings warrant future study of a larger cohort with the addition of mortality and total hospital day outcomes. Key Words: coronavirus disease 2019; extracorporeal sorbent hemoperfusion; mechanical ventilation; Seraph-100; severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2; vasopressor